Tag Archives: mexican

About our Mexican Hammocks

3 Oct

Mexican Hammocks are the best way to achieve a full nights sleep. They are comfortable and fresh whilst sleeping. The Mexican Hammock moulds around the body to conform to the body shape and fully support the body. The tight weave is essential in passing through fresh air and keeping the hammock user cool and comfortable.

Mexican Hammocks are a hand woven net made with cotton or nylon string. The net shapes and moulds to your body offering supreme comfort.  The air circulates thought the hammock  meanwhile you are relaxing.

All of Mayan Legacy Mexican Hammocks are hand woven with high quality standards. We offer Mexican Hammocks made with a  very fine net, the net or body of the hammocks contains more than 40 stitches. This close net offers supreme comfort and more resistance.

Some business make this net more open, with less than 40 stitches spending less time on the manufacture process and using less material than  a good quality hammock, perhaps those hammocks are cheaper in the market but at the end of the day it  is not the same quality.


In the Mayan Culture, to weave hammocks is a tradition that has been passed from generation to generation. Women and Men know how to make them.

In these towns the men have their jobs fishing or taking care of the crops and the women are used to take care of their children. These women like making hammocks because it is a job that they can do from their own homes. They can take care of their little children, cook and also weave  the hammock when they are watching their soap operas. Also they enjoy their job because they can go outside take the fresh air, chat with friends, watch tv; meanwhile they are making  the hammocks. the men help to make the hammocks sometimes too.

Mayan Legacy has chosen little towns that are far away from the city because the people who lives there don’t have the job opportunities  like the people who live close to the city. We are a company who believes in Fair Trade, so pay fair to the artisans, this is a big reason why our beautiful people are very happy and as a result they make high quality hammocks, a combinations of the best Artisans in Yucatan, a Fair trade and a lot of personal contact with them makes the one of the highest quality Mexican Hammocks in the market